Episode 67: Beginner Wine Series #1 - Wine Style Breakdown
Here’s the thing, we firmly believe that the only real way to learn about wine is to taste it. You can read as much as you want about it, and sure, that’s helpful too. But you’re never gonna really get it until you start trying it. And we don’t just mean one wine, we mean you have to taste LOTS of wines and LOTS of different styles of wine. So the good news is, that seems like fun homework. The bad news is that it might seem like a pretty overwhelming task. There are, of course, a lot of wines out there and it can be hard to figure out where to start or what you should even be looking for. But that is where we come in!
In this episode we’re going to break down the main styles of wine and the different options within those styles. There are a lot of different wine styles out there and a lot of different options within those styles. Learning about wine is a journey, a fun journey, but a journey nonetheless.
While we breakdown everything with examples in the episode it can be a lot of information. So make sure you grab our free checklist that has everything written out for you.
And if you liked this episode make sure you follow along for the rest of the series and add your name to the waitlist for our new beginners course - Crush It Basics!
Grab a glass of something interesting and join us! Cheers!
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